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Are you looking for Batteries Service for your vehicle?

Vehicle owners looking for a reliable destination to replace their car battery Faringdon can now contact us - Your Garage. Located at 10 Pioneer Road SN7 7BU, we are a trusted garage, offering cost-efficient, professional battery replacement services. If you are facing any of the following symptoms while driving, it is time to book us for a battery inspection Faringdon:

Sulphurous Smell

A pungent smell from the battery case indicates signs of underlying leakages. So, if you get such a smell, consider seeking professional help immediately.

Bloated or Swollen Battery Case

An exhausted battery gets heated up easily, leading to a swollen-looking or bloated battery case. Ignoring this sign can cause severe vehicular issues.

Dim Or Flickering Car Lights

Faulty car batteries may not be able to supply adequate power to the electrical components of your vehicle. Thus, the headlights, indicators, and taillights of your car may not function properly.

Engine Crank

Damaged or worn-out car batteries can affect the performance of your car's engine, leading to a slow engine crank.

Generally, batteries require an inspection every 3 years, but if you notice any of the mentioned issues, contact a trusted garage like us immediately. We deploy advanced techniques and equipment to diagnose the issues in your car’s battery accurately.

Please note: We do not automatically change the battery. We always check the entire charging system first to make sure all connections are intact.

Keep reading to know more about our car battery replacement Faringdon!

How Do We Conduct Car Battery Services Faringdon?

Our technicians inspect the following battery components and depending on the issues, we replace the battery with a new one:

  • Terminals
  • Cables
  • Charging Points
  • Battery Case, etc.

We stock a huge collection of top-grade batteries across all price brackets to cater to your requirements efficiently. So, if you are still searching for “battery replacements near me”, we are here to help you!

Book Us For Car Battery Fitting Faringdon

You can reach our facility on the following days and schedule an appointment for a car battery check:

Monday to Friday: 8 am – 6 pm

Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm

You can book us online as well. Provide your car registration number on our website and proceed as per instructions. In case of any queries, you can certainly also call us on 01367 241101 or drop an email at info@yourgarage.co.uk .

Reasons Behind Battery Failure

Knowing the reasons that damage/wear out your cars’ battery is necessary to prevent severe issues. So here are some of them:

  • Extreme hot or cold temperatures
  • Frequent short trips
  • Damaged terminals and alternator
  • Leaving the lights, stereo etc. turned on when the car is idle, etc.

Another reason is of course the normal end of the battery's service life after 3-5 years.

Regular checks and good driving habits can enhance your car’s battery life.

We will be happy to do it for you.